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Post Grid
Post Grid Features
- Custom post type source
- Custom total items
- 4 styles display(Show all, Load more button, Lazy load, Pagination)
- 39 item styles
- Show/hidden Filter
- Set items per row
- Set gap between grid items
- 42 styles of load animation
- Design pagination
- Order / Sort order items
- Design load more button
- Design filter list
- Custom filter list
- Advanced design options
This element contain all styles and features as Post Masonry Grid element. You can see here
General Features, Item style grid, Item style masonry, Item style media
And here is some special style are added.
Grid Pagination
Item style: Default with 6 column
Grid Pagination
Item style: Default with 4 column
Grid Pagination
Item style: Scale with rotation 4 column
Grid Pagination
Item style: Slide from left – 4 column 2 row
Pagination slide
Item style: Slide with content