Wags & Wiggles Small Dual Sided Bristle & Wiggle Pin Brush

The ergonomic brush handle is specifically designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand to reduce hand fatigue during your at-home grooming session.

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  • Use the pin brush side of this dual-sided Wags & Wiggles dog brush to gently detangle hair and reduce mats without scratching your pet’s delicate skin.
  • The bristle side of this multi-purpose brush for dogs removes loose hair and maintains a soft and healthy coat. This will help minimize the amount of pet hair found on your belongings later on.
  • Routinely brushing your pet’s hair will help maintain a healthy, mat-free, coat and prevent future tangles from forming.
  • This two-sided straight pin and bristle brush is ideal for small dogs with short hair.


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